domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Metaphors, inside and organization.


WAYUU culture, located in the Guajira, Colombia, is characterized for made and sale handcrafs for living especially for their colorful "mochilas", that they sell to their visitors, due the scarcity of natural resources in this deserted region. Working with that kind of materials, isn't easy in Colombia, because there is too much offer, so people are not willing to pay for it. But in the international context, we can see and opportunities, we can sell this kinds of handcrafts, using the Hippie culture as a metaphor.

It could be used, to promote the Mochilas, because hippie culture is well known for supporting all kind of stuff that are not made by a "system" that means, they appreciate human work, and art, and the will consider this products art.

Hippie, means fashion nowadays, and the concept of and accessory that is made by natives, and has those kinds of striking colors,
may provide us with an opportunity for establish and strategy to export widely this Colombian product.

Images taken from:

Blogs I visited

This are the blogs that i visited and commented. Very interesting thoughts, good job!

-Carlos Andres Mejia Zapata

-Juliana Espinosa Lopez

-Stefany Alvear Angel

-Daniela Marmolejo

-Ricardo H. Garzón F.