lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


1.  1. Corporation can not have the same legal rights as individuals, basically because they are not. And, if some rights are given to them a big amount of duties must be charged on them in response, especially if the world has already seen the quantity of damage that they are capable of.
 Corporation must be regulated even more than persons, first of all because as their nature is to be and institution created by several people, its responsibilities are avoided and throw from one hand to another when it comes to illegal issues; second because nowadays the corporation form has gotten gigantic amounts of money, that gives them huge power to destroy regulations around the world, in cases where the corporation finds a weak administration that they can control.
The limits of the corporation must be established by democratic means, after the whole communities that can be evolved in the damages are informed about the pros and the contras that could bring the arrival of a corporation.

Introduction to the reality of one of the most successful corporation around the world:

3. Individuals that participate in corporation should have responsibility for the actions that the institution is developing, especially, those individuals that are in charge of the highest leading roles, such as managers, presidents, technological developers, and most of all the main shareholders.
The corporation remains to being seen as an artificial structure, but its actions are not artificial, they involved the whole environment, and the ones that are behind the main decisions can and must be followed, regulated and penalized and as a result they will have and ethic and legal code that will guide their actions, and therefore people, environment and government will be protected.

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sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010



Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.
The organization counts with 127 member states, 17 holding observers status and offices in 100 countries.

The IOM is dedicated to the promoting of human migration to the benifit of all.
It works to hel ensure the human mangement of migration, to promote international cooperation on mifran issues, to assist in the search of practical solution to mifration problems and to provide humanitarian assitance to migrant in need, including refugees and internally displace people.

IOM works in the 4 broad areas of migration management:
  • Migration and development
  • Facilitating migration
  • Regulating migration
  • Forced migration
IOM activities:

  • The promotion of internation migration law
  • Policy debate and guidance
  • Protection of migrants' rights
  • Migration health and the gender dimension of migration

A seminar about the role that of women in the promotion of the multicultural identities. 

Organize by the OIM and the Islamic organization for educating, science and culture (ISESCO) with the support of the Roman’s council, it congregates representatives of women association, and people in charge of the adoption of politics to discuss the role that women develops in the promotion of the cultural diversity.  This seminar looks to promote the cultural diversity in the different countries where the Islamic women migrate, focusing in their role and what they can do to get a better perception of themselves. They also fight against racism, and discrimination because religion motives.
In December of 2005, with the support about ISESCO, the IOM and the minister in charge of the Morocco community abroad, organized a international conference en morocco about the “migration and religion in a globalize world”
The IOM signed and cooperation agreement with the ISESCO in December of 2003.


 Offices of the IOM in Colombia.

IOM Training for government employees, in identification and response against violence for gender reasons.

The IOM in Colombia will make a formation for government employees about violence against women, how to identify it, affront it and offer assistance to the victims.

The training will last 3 months and it will be in Cartagena. In 2009, they were 1.838 reported cases of violence against women and child in the families, and 448 cases of sexual violence.
Other challenges include the fighting  the discrimination and violence against migrant women that run away from the conflict of the illegal armed groups, the social and economic vulnerability of the afro-Colombian  community and the sex tourism.

Marcelo Pisani, chief of the Colombian IOM mission says: «the IOM tries hard for the inclusion of the gender in all its activities. With the acquire knowledge of this formation the institutions in Cartagena could offer a better assistance to the women that are victims of violence because of its gender».

 “Human trafficking”

In Colombia this phenomenon happens for ends like sexual exploitation of adults, sexual commercial exploitation of girls, boys, and teenagers, and forced child work, in others. Actually, the internal violence that the country faces creates additional manifestation of the practices, such as force recruitment of children and teenagers for the illegal armed groups.
IOM has the next project: “Prevention, assistance and reintegration of victims of the human trafficking”

This project is divided in 4 axis of a same strategy, all with the same end: avoid that more persons become victims of this crime.

1.Reinforcement of the Colombian State to the fight against the traffic

2.Help to the victims of the human traffic


4.Prevention of the human trafficking, Campaign “No one harm your dreams” 

References (images taken from:)


viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

Cross-cultural Managers

Images taken from:

How does cross-cultural managers can be aware of this cultural philosophy

Setting a company abroad your country, without having any knowledge of the foreign culture, leads the 60% of the time in failure. Training the managers of a company, about the history, folklore, mythology, culture, norms, values and beliefs of the people that are going to be their workforce is the most important and assertive tactic that could be followed to create success.

Competitive advantages of a company abroad can be reached when managers analyze facts and needs that are intrinsic in a community and apply politics in their company to fulfill those facts. Such as relationships with others (collective or individual thoughts), language and communication (how to express in order to create respect and understanding), decision making politics (consensus versus individualism), time (punctuality, patience or impatience), productivity (reaching social harmony or accomplish shareholders), age and leadership (wisdom versus academic preparation), and the belief system (religion and the values that comes with it), creates for the manager a challenge to understand the behavior of his workforce, and to use that kind of knowledge in order to create competitiveness allowing workers to feel in an environment that they would approve, that they own, and in where they will perform the best way possible, being loyal and productive to a company that cares about which they feel is correct.

The employees will be benefit then in terms of dignity and respect, as individuals and as a community and will find themselves in a nondiscriminatory work environment. The company will have a work environment based in the agreement and in the cooperation, with leaders that motivate constantly their employees, and employees that are productive and create constantly advantages.

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