viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

Cross-cultural Managers

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How does cross-cultural managers can be aware of this cultural philosophy

Setting a company abroad your country, without having any knowledge of the foreign culture, leads the 60% of the time in failure. Training the managers of a company, about the history, folklore, mythology, culture, norms, values and beliefs of the people that are going to be their workforce is the most important and assertive tactic that could be followed to create success.

Competitive advantages of a company abroad can be reached when managers analyze facts and needs that are intrinsic in a community and apply politics in their company to fulfill those facts. Such as relationships with others (collective or individual thoughts), language and communication (how to express in order to create respect and understanding), decision making politics (consensus versus individualism), time (punctuality, patience or impatience), productivity (reaching social harmony or accomplish shareholders), age and leadership (wisdom versus academic preparation), and the belief system (religion and the values that comes with it), creates for the manager a challenge to understand the behavior of his workforce, and to use that kind of knowledge in order to create competitiveness allowing workers to feel in an environment that they would approve, that they own, and in where they will perform the best way possible, being loyal and productive to a company that cares about which they feel is correct.

The employees will be benefit then in terms of dignity and respect, as individuals and as a community and will find themselves in a nondiscriminatory work environment. The company will have a work environment based in the agreement and in the cooperation, with leaders that motivate constantly their employees, and employees that are productive and create constantly advantages.

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