lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


1.  1. Corporation can not have the same legal rights as individuals, basically because they are not. And, if some rights are given to them a big amount of duties must be charged on them in response, especially if the world has already seen the quantity of damage that they are capable of.
 Corporation must be regulated even more than persons, first of all because as their nature is to be and institution created by several people, its responsibilities are avoided and throw from one hand to another when it comes to illegal issues; second because nowadays the corporation form has gotten gigantic amounts of money, that gives them huge power to destroy regulations around the world, in cases where the corporation finds a weak administration that they can control.
The limits of the corporation must be established by democratic means, after the whole communities that can be evolved in the damages are informed about the pros and the contras that could bring the arrival of a corporation.

Introduction to the reality of one of the most successful corporation around the world:

3. Individuals that participate in corporation should have responsibility for the actions that the institution is developing, especially, those individuals that are in charge of the highest leading roles, such as managers, presidents, technological developers, and most of all the main shareholders.
The corporation remains to being seen as an artificial structure, but its actions are not artificial, they involved the whole environment, and the ones that are behind the main decisions can and must be followed, regulated and penalized and as a result they will have and ethic and legal code that will guide their actions, and therefore people, environment and government will be protected.

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